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Aardvark Tax has created a portal for each client who signed the engagement letter. Please note the portal displays folders and documents that are unique to you. If you upload a document, that document lives in your portal, so a spouse, business partner, etc. will not see the document if they are logged into their own portal. However, our team will see all uploaded documents.


Accessing the Portal

There are several ways to access your client portal:

  • Click the link in the portal email sent by

    • You will be prompted to add a password if logging in for the first time

  • Bookmark and visit

  • Click the 'Client Login' button at the top of the Aardvark Tax website

  • Ask your Client Advocate for a link to your portal

Navigating the Portal

When you log in, you will see navigation links on the left:

  • Click Files (1) to upload files to share with us or view uploaded files and Aardvark Tax documents​​ (see more information in the next section below)

  • Click Helpdesk (2) to see helpful articles about the portal, including how to upload/download files and change your password​

  • Click Settings (3) to manage your profile, including updating profile information and account settings

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Uploading Your Tax Documents

You may see one or or several folders under Files depending on your engagement(s). For each tax return folder, please upload the relevant documents to the TY 24 Return >> To Aardvark - Source Documents folder. Please make sure to do this for each folder that appears under Files.

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There are a couple of ways to upload your files:

  • Click the "+ New" button on the page

  • Click "+ New" at the top-right and select from the dropdown


Note: while we can accept different file types, we will be able to most efficiently process PDF files

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Deleting Documents

You will not be able to delete documents from your portal. If you would like to delete any uploaded documents, please contact your Client Advocate for assistance.

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